The CDC has just released a new report on the 10 states with the most sexually transmitted diseases, and Louisiana is dangerously close to being number one on the list.
How's your bedroom love life? Your sex life and inability to make things exciting behind closed doors might have everything to do with what you're eating According to Eat This, Not That!, your diet might be affecting everything from sex drive
TikTok user Linda and her husband were totally amazed and shocked at what happened when they were matching swimsuits on the beach while on a recent getaway.
In 2010, there were 9 marriages in Louisiana between a male and female aged 15-17. There was one marriage in which the groom was aged 40-44 and the bride 15-17.
A growing number of people believe artificial intelligence is one of the greatest threats to humanity. AMC Network has aired 2 seasons of a British TV series called "Humans," in which highly sophisticated androids are commonplace. Brothels are staffed by them...
We've all heard of people sleeping their way to the top. A recent survey suggests that's a great way to advance your career, not necessarily in the way you may be thinking...