Over the weekend there was a situation at one of Airbnb’s rental properties in Lake Charles. The rental house is located on West Claude Street and the renters created quite a mess for the property owners to clean up.
When you were a kid, did you ever have a birthday party no one showed up for? A "Mum" in the UK virtually guaranteed that would happen to her 14 year old son...
If you want great service in a bar, you should be a good customer. That doesn't mean you need to go there often. It means you should do a few things that get the bartender's (positive) attention...
When is it time for you to stop going to nightclubs? One sure sign is when you walk into a nightspot, and run into your children's friends. In my opinion, if that happens, you're well past that point...
The always controversial subject of excessive police force bubbled to the surface again this weekend when a police officer in McKinney, Tex., was caught on camera pointing his gun at teens during a pool party.
The new school year is just a few days away. 99.9 KTDY is throwing a FREE party for all area teachers.The Back To School Blowout Bash Is this Friday, August 8th, at The District 4607 Johnston Street.
The skies opened up at the same time as the doors last night, but that didn't dampen the spirits of the hundreds of PolyPoHos ready to light up the dance floor!
The big game is coming up next weekend and parties will be thrown throughout south Louisiana. (Even though our Saints aren't in it. :( )
Although most of us here know how to throw pretty sweet parties, I'll bet most of us don't know how to throw the mother of all parties, a St...
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