A University of Michigan study has America and the world for that matter, in total shock about how some of the foods we enjoy eating affect our lifespan.
Diets do not work. Research from the Diabetes Council confirms that two out of every five people on a diet quit in the first 7 days. Diets are tough to stick to, especially in South Louisiana. So what if you could enjoy a tasty meal, already prepared, low in carbs high in taste and is relatively inexpensive? And you don't have to weight for a box in the mail. By the way, most people don't keep their subscriptions to mail order food either.
More and more physicians across the world are learning important lessons in diet and nutrition thanks to a program developed at a Louisiana university.
Chances are you've heard that every one of these foods is bad for your waistline, your physique, and your overall health. The real facts say differently.
What's the most addictive foods in the world? Is it sugar? Candy? Rice and gravy? With 2 out of every 3 Americans overweight, this new study lists food that are more addictive than others, giving you the choice to avoid the ones that will make you go back for more.
We Americans, myself included, have a serious weight problem. Have you made changes to your diet, eating more salads, fruits & vegetables, avoiding bread? Still not losing weight?
From a homemade concoction using mayonnaise to have with our crawfish to chips and salsa at the local Mexican watering hole, here in Louisiana, we love our condiments. But they are making us FAT. This will help you understand just how bad your favorite condiment is for you.
I thought I could eat less after Thanksgiving, but I simply love to eat and it's not going so well. See, I found something at Super One Foods that I used to eat when I was a kid and I bought a bag...a big bag.
The lady checking me out at Walgreen's said she was eating a lot of popcorn to try to lose weight, and I wondered if popcorn was as healthy as she made it sound.
Dan Janssen, 38, has stuck to his pizza-only diet for 25 years now, eating pizza for every meal every day. When he tells people this he usually gets one of two reactions, "They either want to kill me, or they think I'm a hero,'' he told TODAY...