Rouses, a popular grocery store chain in Louisiana, has recently taken an unconventional culinary leap by announcing the sale of Pumpkin Spice Bacon, leaving locals with mixed feelings about this autumn-inspired creation.
There is a new trend going around on TikTok and it shows a man twisting his bacon prior to cooking it and he swears that it is the best bacon he's ever eaten.
A federal lawsuit says Mississippi is violating free-speech rights by banning makers of plant-based foods from using terms such as "meatless meatballs" and "vegan bacon."
Want bacon on your burger? It's free on Tuesday. Want Bacon with your nuggets? Do it up this Tuesday. Want a Bacon McFlurry? Anything is possible on Tuesday.
I don't know how to tell you this but um, Mc Donald's has announced they're about to start letting you add bacon to stuff you couldn't before, including fries.
I came across a website that Debbie Ray will surely save to her 'Favorites', it features everything BACON!! Its the Think Geek website, and, not only do they have lots of bacon stuff, they have lots bacon stuff ON SALE!!!
Bacon pillows, bacon hot sauce, bacon breath mints (really...
Attention, bacon lovers! The world’s first bacon-wrapped casket is now available. J&D’s Bacon Coffin™ is For those who love bacon to death. Now, you can peacefully rest wrapped in bacon.
Eating two strips of bacon can increase your risk of developing pancreatic cancer, according to a new study published in the British Journal of Cancer.
When I was about to read Shelley's post about Makin' Perfect Bacon, I was ready to defend my method!! After reading it, though, I relaxed! Whew! For a minute, I thought that they had my secret!
Who doesn't like the sound and smell of bacon sizzling for breakfast or in a good BLT? Chef Donald Link knows there's nothing quite like the perfect crispy, salty slice of bacon. He shares his secret recipe from and Steve Wiley from 99.9 KTDY has his own version of "The perfect piece of bacon."