Security Cameras Capture Images of Unexplained ‘Entities’
Most of us do not believe in ghosts or the supernatural. In fact, the residents of Louisiana have been found to be the most sceptical when it comes to "things that go bump in the night". Maybe it's the fact that the part of the world we live in is filled with real-life things that go bump in the night or perhaps it's the fact that we as Cajuns feel like we can get along with anybody, even ghosts or aliens or spirits from another dimension.
A video has recently surfaced that must make a non-believer rethink his or her position. That's because this video purports to show two unidentified "entities" descending from the sky, startling a group of dogs, and then shuffling off the screen and out of frame.
In this first screen capture from a video presented on YouTube by Maussan TV, you can see what appears to be an orb or energy field descending from the sky.
This next frame from the same video happens about ten seconds after the first frame. You can see the "orb" has descended closer to the ground. The "orbs" appearance has also attracted the attention of some sleeping dogs.
In this third screen capture from the Maussan TV video you can see what appears to be two "orbs" shuffling away from the barking dogs and toward what appears to be a street.
Needless to say, the Internet is divided as to what is actually going on in the video. Here we will let you watch it for yourself now that you know what to be looking for.
I know I saw something on that video that didn't make an awful lot of sense to me. I also saw the dogs reacting to something that was apparently there. What I didn't see was "that something" reacting to the dogs. This leads me to believe that maybe this wasn't a human pretending to be a ghost, spirit, or alien but maybe it was something I just don't understand.
Also, if you look at the way the "orbs" move something doesn't look exactly right there either. At one point they do appear to be walking but at other times in the video, there is certainly the illusion that they are floating just above the ground.
Needless to say, folks who believe in the supernatural are ready to share this as proof that other beings not of this world walk among us. I just hope they don't try to pay by check or use a coupon at the store in the checkout line in front of me.
If you are a ghost or alien being from another world, welcome. You just missed Mardi Gras, that would have probably been enough to keep you on your own side of the great divide, but since you are here, pop a top on your favorite drinkable spirit and plan to stay awhile.
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