Rules Grandparents Should Follow On Facebook [Video]
Kids like connecting with their grandparents on Facebook. There are, however, some rules grandkids think they should follow.
A poll conducted by the nursing service visiting angels indicates 89% of grandkids like connecting with their grandparents on Facebook. They don’t like it when grandparents send friend requests to their friends.
Here are fire rules millennials wish their grandparents would follow when using social media...
#1 don’t post about your finances or family conflicts.
#2 don’t make excessive use of emoji‘s
. #3 don’t try to connect with their friends.
#4 don’t post about depressing subjects like illness, or loneliness
. #5 don’t try to be cool.
I remember reading an article about legendary disc jockey Dick Clark a number of years ago. It mentioned the thing that made him cool was the fact that he didn’t try to be.