Happy National Tequila Day!
Today (July 24th) is "National Tequila Day"! It somehow doesn't seem right that such a "holiday" should fall on a Tuesday. Margaritas are America's most popular tequila drink. Research indicates 76% of Americans who consume "adult beverages" like margaritas. 67% prefer the frozen variety. I like mine on the rocks. Only 4% of american drinkers have never tried a margarita. You can lose weight drinking tequila. I can picture your eyes rolling, but hang on. I didn't say you could lose weight drinking margaritas. They contain too much sugar. Tequila made from the agave' plant contains something that actually reduces blood glucose levels. A report from 77recipes.com indicates researchers have found natural sugars called agavins in the agave' plant. They're not digestible, so they simply pass through your system without spiking blood sugar levels. The agavins also increase levels of a hormone called GLP-!, which slows the stomach emptying process. The result is you take longer to get hungry. Bottoms up! Who says weight loss can't be fun?
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