Get Paid To Move To Italy! [Video]
A few years ago, my mother visited Italy. When she returned, I asked if it was as beautiful as I imagined. She said "yes." That region of Europe seems to hold a fascination for a lot of Americans, myself included. I'd love to see it for myself one day. You can now move there, and get paid for it! USA Today reports, the small town of Bormida is courting new residents. Bormida's population had shrunk to 390 when the current mayor decided to take action. Daniele Galliano instituted incentives to attract new residents to the hillside village. The latest of which is the offer of $2,175 to take up residence there. Affordable rent, (as low as $50/ month) is also being offered. If you're looking for excitement, Bormida's probably not for you, as one local restaurateur put it, “There is nothing much to do here, But life is so simple and natural, we have forests, goats, the church, and plenty of good food. Life would definitely be free of stress.” If you get the envie for a little action, Genoa is only about 50 miles away.