How Do I Buy Garth Brooks Tickets?
Of all the phone calls I've answered over the past week, at least half included the question "How can I buy Garth Brooks Tickets", or something similar.
Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood are coming to the Cajundome on June 24th, and tickets go on sale Friday, May 12th. Garth hasn't been in this area in over 20 years, so these tickets are going to be in high demand. I am expecting that there will be more than just a few disappointed people once the show is sold out.
The Cajundome informed us that the Garth Brooks concert ticket sales method will be slightly different from which we are accustomed. For one thing, there will be NO TICKET SALES AT ANY TICKETMASTER BRICK AND MORTAR OUTLETS on Friday, May 12th. There will be a ticket limit, and all tickets will be the same price.
We received this helpful email from the staff at the Cajundome regarding Garth Brooks ticket sales:
Please share with anyone planning on buying tickets!1. There will be NO sales at the CAJUNDOME Box Office or any Ticketmaster outlets on May 12th. Buy ONLY at the following:
a. To charge online go to
b. To order by phone please call Ticketmaster Express; first at 1-866-448-7849 or then try 1-800-745-3000.
c. Please note that CAJUNDOME ticketing is ONLY supported by Ticketmaster. Please avoid using other websites or ticketing services as we cannot guarantee entry into the event or the authenticity of a ticket purchased from any other ticketing vendor. .2. An eight (8) ticket limit will be strictly enforced!3. All seats will be sold best available only. Select seats will also be protected with paperless delivery. Click here for more info on paperless tickets: Please go NOW to to create an account or refresh your existing Ticketmaster account for a quicker purchasing experience.
a. For more tips for getting tickets, click here:…5. There will be a delivery delay on tickets until June 17th.