Cell Phones Remain Banned From Lafayette’s K-12 Campuses
Cell phones are still officially banned from Lafayette Parish schools.
A policy-change that would have lightened cell phone restrictions was rejected Wednesday night by the Lafayette Parish School Board. The proposal would have allowed high school students to bring phones on campus and use them during teacher-approved lessons and outside of class. Middle school students would have been allowed to bring phones onto campus, but keep them turned off. Elementary school students would still be required to leave their phones at home.
Carencro High School Principal Ken Roebuck said he supports allowing the phones on campus, as teachers want to use them in lessons, and students bring the phones to school anyway.
District 2 Board Member Tommy Angelle said the phones could be useful in instances when students miss the bus or need to contact their parents during after-school events. District 5 Board Member Kermit Bouillion said the decision should be left up to principals.
District 6 Board Member Greg Awbrey has spoken out against the policy changes in past meetings, and he again rejected the proposal. He said the policy doesn't address issues like cell phone use on school buses or in locker rooms, for example.
The proposal failed in a 4-5 vote, with Angelle, Bouillion, Mark Cockerham (District 7) and Shelton Cobb (District 3) voting in favor of the change.
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