Britney Spears has spent her time in quarantine dancing on Instagram, posting a series of videos that show her thriving in isolation.

I mean...

You have to love Britney as much as I do. YOU HAVE TO!

Just look how happy she is. Not only is she absolutely STICKING 11-spin pirouettes, but she is voguing her butt off and truly living her best life. She is dancing from her soul without any idea of what may manifest itself.

I feel like she posts these videos of her dancing and posing without a single care of what others are going to say about her and that is exactly why I LOVE the energy Britney is bringing.

Some people are saying she looks like a crazy person in these Instagram posts, but you know what? I think YOU are the crazy person if you can't understand that Britney is simply doing Britney and she cannot be bothered by any person.

You can (and should) follow Britney on Instagram @britneyspears. I will support Britney Spears in whichever way she chooses to express herself, but for those who continue to hate on the pop star's moves... I'll leave you with this

You do you, Britney Spears. DO YOU!


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