If we visited each others' houses, faithful listener, we'd probably find that as houses go, they're remarkably alike in just about every way.

Where our houses would differ would be in the ways that our houses are also our homes. Sometimes, those qualities are ineffable and intangible, but I'm going to do my best to bring you into my home by sharing some of the experiences that make the Meaux home so sweet:

*stepping on some mysterious object in the middle of the night, causing severe pain

*finding a withered husk of matter that might have, at one time, been an apple core, and finding this object in a chair or under the couch

*being awakened in the wee hours of the  morning by the hellish moans of a cat that simply wants to come into the house for two minutes to eat before crying to be let out again

*being startled by the screeching of sisters who love each other but can't seem to avoid fighting over who gets to play with what or what belongs to whom, etc.

*smiling and sometimes laughing when you hear songs like "Let It Go" or "Happy" belted out with heartfelt abandon by those same sisters whose voices are sweet and beautiful when not raised in squabbling

*feeling the peace and joy that comes with squeezing two adults and two growing kids onto the couch or into the bed to watch "Full House," "Looney Tunes," "Wild Kratts," or the latest episode of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

*eating dinner together with anything and everything with a screen in the house turned off, looking each other in the eyes and talking and laughing

What makes your house a home? Let us know on Facebook!


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