VPSB Votes To Not Suspend President & Vice President
There were several items listed on the agenda for last night's meeting of the Vermilion Parish School Board. I am sure some of those items actually had to do with how children in the parish are educated but most of the attention was focused on what the board was going to about the board.
It appears to be a very common theme with this particular elected body. While the schools, teachers, and students, appear to be performing very well when compared to other school districts across the state. Residents of Vermilion Parish are not being allowed to acknowledge that hard work and effort because we've all had to look at the dirty laundry the VPSB continues to hang out on the public line.
That's a real shame in my opinion.
Here's what transpired at last night's meeting, this is the Reader's Digest version so we won't go into all the details. But, you can if you want through this story from KATC TV.
Last night motions were filed that would have basically removed board President Laura LeBeouf and Vice President Kibbie Pillette from their positions. The board voted on those motions and it was decided the Mrs. LeBeouf and Mr. Pillette would remain in those jobs.
The Board also voted to reinstate the position of Legal Risk Manager. This action reverses a board vote to eliminate that position that took place in May.
There were other items on the agenda including a motion that would prevent Superintendent Jerome Puyau from coming to work every day. That motion and other items were tabled until next month's meeting.
Puyau was suspended by the Board in July but has been coming to work every day despite the fact that he is on paid leave. Based on comments made by Mr. Puyau earlier this year he understood that his "suspension" couldn't take effect until the Board had completed its investigation into allegations against him. The Board has not presented any findings so, I guess in his mind, he still needs to come to work.
We will wait until next month for another scintillating chapter of the soap opera that has become as The Board Turns. I just hope this Board can make a turn toward a better understanding of what they were elected to do and stop the infighting. To use an old cliche', think of the children. I hope one day they will and we will spend our time talking about the amazing students in Vermilion Parish schools.
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