While driving to the office for work this morning, I saw something on Ambassador Caffery that made me angry.

I was expecting it because a coworker alerted me to the situation, but I had no idea it could be this bad.

Trash lined Ambassador Caffery between La Nouvelle and Verot School Road for about one-quarter of a mile.

staff photo

I stopped to take photos for this story and, as I did, I tried to find any identifying marks on the litter - a name or address or something that could give a hint as to where the trash originated.

But I was unsuccessful in finding anything that would give it away. I did find, near the area of the trash, a plastic bin (or "tote") cover, which might indicate the trash was in a bin that fell off of a vehicle.

The litter appeared to consist mostly of paper - construction paper or art paper. There were booklets with stickers and bags of paper that looked to have designs on them.

Clearly, this field of garbage was filled with items that were to be used in an art class or something similar.

staff photo

Why am I angry about it? For a few reasons, with the main reason being this - someone doesn't care about Acadiana.

Other reasons include, but are not limited to:

Whoever dropped this stuff either knew it happened when it happened or they found out when they reached their destination, and they didn't go back to clean it up.


This trash, prior to being gathered, will probably get windblown and/or chopped up into smaller pieces by a mower.


I have to look at it for the next few weeks on my way up and down Ambassador Caffery.

I can hear the critics now, asking, "Well, dude, if you hate it so much, why don't you pick it up?"

Here's my answer: I'm tired of picking up after others who have no disregard for the beautiful area in which we live. I shouldn't have to pick up after others, as this trash should not have been on the ground in the first place.

staff photo

There are laws against this type of thing and I wish that the responsible party is found and cited.

If someone did not secure their load, whether it was in the bed of a truck or on the roof of a car, they are responsible, even if it was an accident.

Come on, Acadiana - we are better than this.

Don't Ever Throw These Things in the Trash


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