The topic of litter is a pretty frustrating one for anyone who takes pride in their community. Whether you live in Lafayette or Bunkie, when you observe litter it likely makes you angry.

Have you ever come across really gross instances of littering? We probably all have. Once in a big-box store's parking lot, a dirty diaper was observed. It was obvious that someone had changed their child's dirty diaper in their vehicle and instead of walking to deposit the dirty item, they just dropped it in the parking lot.

Cruising by major intersections in any town you likely can observe litter like plastic bottles, empty food packages, or other debris clogging up these areas. It's an eye-sore, and to anyone visiting an area, it gives a visitor the impression that the people that live there don't care about their town.

Volunteers Picking Up Trash
Photo courtesy of Keep Louisiana Beautiful

We know from hearing from economic development officials that businesses taking tours of local areas turned around almost immediately, and they explained they wouldn't do business in a city that cared so little for its own area.

If you are tired of seeing litter and you want to do something about it, you now have a new tool at your disposal. According to Keep Louisiana Beautiful, the state of Louisiana does have a litter hotline that you can call to report someone littering.

In order to help officials, the more information you can get the better. If you are driving and see someone littering, you should get the model of the car and the picture of the license plate.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is the agency that oversees the anti-litter hotline. The number to call is 888-LITRBUG (548-7284) if you see someone littering whether it's a dumpsite or just someone throwing something out of a window.

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