While there are some handy ways to utilize Google Street View, you can probably see where I am going with this, "what if I don't want strangers seeing my house on Google Street View?" Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how to blur the image of your personal property on Google Street View.
Louisiana and Texas residents might not write as many checks as they used to but for those few you do write there are precautions you might want to consider.
Casey Garcia, a 30-year-old mom from Texas, dyed her hair and dressed like a teenager and went to her daughter's middle school to test the school's security.
According to reports, a man from California was able to live inside of a secured area at the O'Hare International Airport for three months. The man kept fed thanks to passengers giving him food and utilized a stolen ID from an airport manager to fly under the radar.
It's a tough lesson but everyone who travels needs to understand that the United States Customs and Border Protection agents take their job very seriously.
A friend recently posted on her Facebook page, we're being spied on through our microwave ovens because we can't block it with tin foil. All joking aside, many of our everyday devices can be used to record audio & video of our private behavior.