Student Hit by Dump Truck After Getting Off of School Bus
Louisiana State Police reports that a 9-year-old student was struck by a dump truck while getting off of a school bus Wednesday afternoon.
According to initial reports, the dump truck in Belle Chase, La. swerved to not hit the bus from the back, but when the bus went onto the shoulder of the road, that's when the truck hit the student.
State Police say that the student was seriously injured and taken to a medical facility for emergency treatment.
The driver of the truck, 61-year-old Gregory Valentine, was behind the wheel with a suspended driver's license. He agreed to submit a blood sample during the investigation of the accident, but police do not suspect impairment in this incident.
Valentine faces charges of negligent injuring, reckless operation of a vehicle, and driving with a suspended license. The investigation into this crash remains open and is not over.
I think it would be a great time to remind everyone to stay alert while on the roads now. School buses make frequent stops and I have personally seen many vehicles in Lafayette ignore the lights and stop signs on school buses.
Please be on the lookout for kids that may be getting off of the bus or that may even be waiting on the bus.
Here's the full report from Louisiana State Police.
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