SHOCKER: New Traffic Circle (Roundabout) Coming to Youngsville
No, not that traffic circle... another one. Not that one either. This is a new one!
Youngsville has been (affectionately) nicknamed "Roundabout City" by some Acadiana residents, and aerial photos make it easy to see why:
Do you see all of those red circles on the map above? They are either existing roundabouts or roundabouts currently under construction. I count 13, which includes the 4 in the parking lot of the sports complex.
Earlier today, Youngsville Mayor Ken Ritter announced the procurement of land that will allow Youngsville to construct yet another roundabout, this one at the intersection of the Youngsville Highway (Highway 89) and Fortune Road.
Youngsville just acquired the land needed to not only build the roundabout but to extend Fortune Road east to West Fairfield Drive.
According to Mayor Ritter's post, work has already begun on the project, but no timeline for its completion was given.
I had a conversation about roundabouts with a coworker today, and he hates them. He absolutely hates roundabouts. This is also the man who slows down when he is approaching a green light. He stops at red lights, but he slows down at green lights. Why? I don't know. He said something about, "what if the light changes yellow?" or something nonsensical like that. I think I answered, "then you stop if you feel it's safe, or you continue through the yellow light if you think it is safe. Both are legal, but one helps with traffic flow better than the other".
What does him slowing down at green lights have to do with the conversation? It helps reinforce my thought that some people who do not like roundabouts (traffic circles) might have other issues with driving. Is it a fear of not knowing when it is your turn? Is it not being coordinated enough to gauge when to enter a roundabout?
When people say "roundabouts don't work", that pretty much lets me know that he or she doesn't know how to properly use a roundabout, or is (at least) very nervous about it.
Do roundabouts work? In a word: yes.
According to studies (the one referenced here happened to be conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Federal Highway Administration) says that roundabouts reduce overall collisions by 37%. Roundabouts reduce pedestrian collisions by 40%. Roundabouts reduce injury collisions by 75%. Roundabouts reduce fatality collisions by 90%.
When anyone tells you that roundabouts don't work, show them these statistics, and then offer to teach them how to use a roundabout properly. Please, someone, ANYONE: TEACH THEM HOW TO USE THE ROUNDABOUT!
Rant over.
Y'all come visit Youngsville, it's a nice city.
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