Restaurants Are Imposing a ‘Vomit Fee’ For Some Going for Brunch
Apparently, some are enjoying a few too many mimosas.
Some restaurants are having to impose a "Vomit Fee" as more and more people are consuming a few too many mimosas for brunch.
Those who love this early morning drink will tell you that at times you don't even notice how much you've consumed until it is too late, and that's where the problem lies.
Establishments in the San Fransico area are warning patrons that if they vomit in the restaurant after consuming too many of these delicious drinks, $50 will be added to their tab for clean-up.
Sadly, some don't realize how much they've drunk until it's too late, and when having bottomless mimosas with friends on a Saturday or Sunday morening they can add up quickly.
While this may be shocking and/or disturbing to some, vomit fees are that uncommon. If you know of anyone who drives for Uber or LYFT they will tell you that there's a pretty steep fee for anyone who may vomit in their vehicle.
Some restaurants have considered time limits for those drinking the brunch favorite, and it will be interesting to see if any local restaurants in south Louisiana adopt this "fee" in the near future.
While some here may not have an issue at brunch, I've seen plenty of bars and clubs in Acadiana having to address this type of "mess" when the lights come on.
I can't imagine someone waking up after a night out and seeing an additional $50 charge on their card because they had a bit too much"fun" while in an establishment. But, if this deters some from vomiting and consuming too much, perhaps it's worth it.
Here's a look at one of the many signs that are reportedly showing up in establishments in the Bay Area.
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