We have good news and bad, Outlander fans. You’ll have to wait until November for the first Season 4 episodes, but Starz has given “Droughtlander” a deluge with full renewals for Seasons 5 and 6. Plus – first Season 4 photos!

Starz blessed Outlander fans with the first official photos of Season 4, which itself is now due for a November 2018 premiere. That’s admittedly far off, but fans can at least take comfort in the fact that Outlander itself will be back for Seasons 5 and 6 through at least 2020. As Starz put it, “Fans can rest assured their beloved Claire and Jamie will be back facing new challenges, adversaries and adventures in seasons five and six as we delve into American history and continue the story of the Frasers as they settle in the New World.” Check out the first Season 4 photos in the meantime:

Outlander Season 4 Photos
Outlander Season 4 Photos
Aimee Spinks
Outlander Season 4 Photos
Aimee Spinks

Outlander is still in the midst of shooting Season 4’s thirteen episodes in Scotland, while Seasons 5 and 6 will consist of twelve hours apiece. Season 4 follows author Diana Gabaldon’s fourth novel, Drums of Autumn, and Seasons 5 and 6 will follow subsequent books The Fiery Cross and A Breath of Snow and Ashes. The Outlander series consists of eight books overall, with ninth book Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone due out in the next year or so. It remains to be seen if Starz’s adaptation will follow the entire saga.

You can watch an early teaser for Outlander Season 4 below, and stay tuned for the latest.

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