The New KTDY/Aire Serv Of Lafayette Secret Sound Contest
Each weekday at 7:20 AM, CJ & Jenn in the Morning will air the first KTDY/Aire Serv of Lafayette Secret Sound of the day. Steve Wiley will air it again at 12:20 PM during the All Request Lunch Hour. And as you head home from work, JayCee will have the last KTDY/Aire Serv of Lafayette Secret Sound for the day at 5:20 PM.
The pot starts at $99 and increases $99 with every incorrect guess. The cash builds fast with this contest, so be sure to listen and play every day. In case you miss some of the answers, get the KTDY app.�� All incorrect guesses will be sent to your phone.
This time around we've added a bonus way for you to win thanks to Aire Serve of Lafayette. Everyone who has an incorrect guess will be eligible for a completely new HVAC system for the home installed by the pros from Aire Serve of Lafayette. You and your family will be breathing better in no time and cut your energy costs as well.
Listen to 99.9 KTDY at 7:20 AM, 12:20 PM and 5:20 PM for the KTDY/Aire Serv of Lafayette Secret Sound. When you hear it, be caller 9, guess it correctly and win. Remember to get the KTDY app for all incorrect guesses.
The KTDY/Aire Serv 0f Lafayette Secret Sound Contest is presented by Aire Serv of Lafayette. Acadiana has a new leader in HVAC maintenance and installation,