If You Get The Secret Sound Wrong, Don’t Hang Up! here’s Why…
We've brought the Secret Sound back by popular demand. Folks LOVE playing this game! If you're not familiar, here's how it works. We'll play the secret sound three times a day, Monday - Friday. CJ & Jenn will play it at 7:20 am, Steve at 12:20, and JayCee at 5:20.
Caller #9 gets to guess. The pot starts at $99 and increases by $99 with each wrong guess 'til we get a winner. If you get it wrong, you can still win a valuable prize.
The Secret Sound is sponsored by Aire Serv of Lafayette. Everybody who guesses incorrectly gets entered in a drawing for a complete HVAC from Aire Serv. If you're caller #9 and guess incorrectly, don't hang up! We need your name & phone number to enter you in the drawing.