Scott Mardi Gras Parade is a Little Different This Year — What You Need to Know Before You Go
Mardi Gras 2024 in Acadiana has seen some changes in several aspects and this weekend's parade in Scott, Louisiana is definitely one that has undergone a bit of a makeover.
If you're accustomed to going to the Boudin Capital of the World two Sundays before Fat Tuesday, you surely need to read about the changes to this year's festivities.
For one, it's on a Saturday this year. And the annual "staking claim to your spot along the route rope-off" is not being allowed this year.
Suffice it to say that if you plan on attending the 2024 Scott Mardi Gras Parade, then you should read the following.
The Scott Business Association, which is putting on the parade, posted the following reminders/rules/guidelines about their event scheduled for this Saturday, February 3, 2024.
- The parade begins at 10:00 am at Delhomme and Apollo and will end at Delhomme and Apollo.
- Roads close promptly at 9:00 am. No one will be allowed to travel upon the roadways once they are closed.
- Any vehicle blocking a roadway will be towed at the owner's expense: this includes trailers and items placed along the parade route.
- For the safety of others, parking/blocking of areas CAN NOT be reserved until 6 am the morning of the parade February 3rd. Any areas staked off prior to that will be removed.
- It is advised that all paradegoers arrive at their destination along the parade route early.
- The parade is expected to last approximately three hours; therefore, local residents should make all necessary arrangements ahead of time to avoid any inconvenience.
- This is a family-friendly event. No sexually oriented items or items depicting illegal drugs are allowed to be sold, thrown, or displayed at the event.
- No glass containers are allowed along the route.
- It is highly requested that ALL float riders make themselves aware of and read the informational packet for registration, as changes have been made to the city ordinance. ALL RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
- If interested in being a parade rider, please contact Scott Business Association @ scottsba.org or click this link https://forms.gle/LbapeMjwGjKDtgm59
- Be kind, courteous, and have FUN!
Also of note is that this year's parade will follow the same route as in previous years.
Oh, if you're looking for something fun to do the night before, the event below is being held. Should be a good time!
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Gallery Credit: Ryan Reichard