Hurricane Preparedness: 3-Day Minimum
As Hurricane Season nears, hurricane preparedness becomes more of a priority.
The National Hurricane Center has plenty of resources to help you prepare your home and family for a weather emergency, and has guidelines to follow in the event of a hurricane.
The Hurricane Center's Twitter page reminds us that a hurricane can be a one-day event, depending on the severity of the storm, but one should be prepared for several days of recovery.
The minimum number of recovery days to prepare for should be 3, but to be well-prepared, you need to be ready to handle more.
We are all too aware that, after a serious hurricane, portions of Acadiana can be without power for weeks at a time. It is important to have enough food, water, medications, power (batteries/generator), fuel, and other supplies to handle those longer periods of recovery. It is also important to discuss evacuation routes, destinations, individual family duties, and have a full recovery plan.
Visit the government website that will guide you when you put your family's Hurricane Preparedness Plan together.
Hurricane season runs June 1 through September 30, but remember this: hurricanes don't follow a calendar!
Here's some more good information for your hurricane prep: