Apple Surprises With New iphone [Red]
It seems every new iphone is preceded by a lot of rumor, speculation and hype. Not this time. While rumors swirl around the upcoming iphone 8, Apple has caught us off guard with new iphones, most notably the iphone [Red]. It's an iphone 7 in a bright red finish. Forbes reports, the new iphone [Red] won't be available in a 64GB version, 128 & 256 only. The only distinction from other iphone 7 models is the gleaming red finish, and the fact that a portion of the proceeds go to the [Red] Foundation. Apple has partnered with [Red] and the Irish rock band U2 for several years to fight the spread of AIDS in Africa. They've also made some changes to the iphone SE, replacing the 16GB, and 64GB models with 32GB, and 128GB models. They'll be available Monday (Mar. 24th).