13 Things I’d Tell My 15-Year-Old Self
One of my Facebook friends is a social worker and she has a few clients who are teenagers. She was thinking about how hard those years were and came up with some advice which, if she could go back in time, she would give to herself.
Rachel Foreman, LCSW, posted this to her Facebook Page:
I have several clients who are high school age and I always tell them that those teen years are so hard. You're kind of stuck between being a child and an adult. A while back, I started thinking about what advice I would give my 15 year old self if I could and for some reason, I wrote it down. Maybe it will help another kid. - Rachel Foreman, LCSW, Facebook
13 Things I'd Tell My 15-Year-Old Self
If you have children, this might be something to refer to when you need to give advice, or maybe just send this to them, they might just need to hear it right about now.