My oldest son is three and a half and he doesn’t want to use the potty AT ALL. In the hopes that I may be able to help another mom here are some tips and tricks to potty train those babies.
'I started thinking about what advice I would give my 15-year-old self if I could and for some reason, I wrote it down. Maybe it will help another kid.'
All joking aside: after watching the video, I realize Father Mike is as beautiful inside as he is out. In this video, he talks about feeling overwhelmed.
CJ often says it and I wholeheartedly agree, 'Something You Should Know' is the best two minutes on the radio! This week alone, Mike Carruthers and his guests taught us how to ask for a raise and what the best money-saving apps are! If you're not up at 6:20 AM, you can still get it online at SomethingYouShouldKnow...