
Theft At Historic Home
Theft At Historic Home
Theft At Historic Home
The Last House is a historic Victorian home built in 1899 by James McNaspy, father of the first athletic director at SLI (now UL). Renovations have been dealt a severe setback by the recent theft of rare antiques original to the house.
Recognize This Thief?
Recognize This Thief?
Recognize This Thief?
If you recognize this suspect or the vehicle, please contact the St. Martin Parish Sheriff's Office at (337) 394-3071.
Most Stolen
Most Stolen
Most Stolen
Thankfully, I've made it through life so far without ever having a vehicle stolen from me. I've had a few I had wished someone would take off my hands, but to no avail. For many Louisianians, unfortunately having a car stolen from them is something they've had to deal with. I did a quick search to find out what cars are more likely to be stolen in Louisiana, and here's what I found out.

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