International News

Incredible Stunt!
Incredible Stunt!
Incredible Stunt!
Stunt Driver Jim Dowdall has been involved in some of the greatest car chase scenes in recent movie history. His work has appeared in the Jason Bourne Movies, the Indiana Jones franchise, and James Bond films. He recently performed a stunt that's never been attempted...
Naked Man Caught Climbing Out Of Buckingham Palace Window [REAL OR NOT VIDEO]
Naked Man Caught Climbing Out Of Buckingham Palace Window [REAL OR NOT VIDEO]
Naked Man Caught Climbing Out Of Buckingham Palace Window [REAL OR NOT VIDEO]
In this video, that looks like it was shot by a tourist filming just regular activity around Buckingham Palace, caught in the background is a naked man climbing out of a very high window on what appears to be a makeshift rope. Did Prince Charles come home early?
Facebook Hackers
Facebook Hackers
Facebook Hackers
The above photo is one of nearly 20 Facebook friend requests that I received in a span of less than 48 hours. They were all virtually identical, the only significant differences being name & profile photo. I have five years' professional training in the use of social media. Accepting a friend request like this one is asking for trouble
Muslims Defend Synagogue
Muslims Defend Synagogue
Muslims Defend Synagogue
I was surprised (to say the least) when I found a story about Jews & Muslims standing together against terrorism, and felt compelled to share it. Reuters reports Jews and Muslims stood together in a human shield around the only synagogue in Oslo, Norway this past weekend.
Iphone Time Machine
Iphone Time Machine
Iphone Time Machine
You probably don't have a time machine. Marty McFly had one, but he didn't have an iphone. You can have both. A Japanese manufacturer is offering a a case for iphone 6, patterned after the Delorean time machine in Back to the Future II.
'Plus Size' Swimsuit model
'Plus Size' Swimsuit model
'Plus Size' Swimsuit model
Bob Dylan once wrote "The times, they are-a changin." That's very much the case at Sports Illustrated. Fashion modelling is no longer the exclusive realm of skinny girls.
Goddbye , Cadbury Chocolate
Goddbye , Cadbury Chocolate
Goddbye , Cadbury Chocolate
I love Cadbury chocolate. A lot of other folks do, too. It looks like Cadbury chocolate is going the route of the Cuban cigar. We will no longer be able to enjoy the "real" thing in the United States.
 Facebook Is Hiring
Facebook Is Hiring
Facebook Is Hiring
Do people give you flack for wasting time on Facebook? Why not get paid for it? The company is seeking to fill nearly 1,200 jobs. The social media outlet has had a 44% growth in staffing from September 2013 to September 2014.
'No Show' Fee
'No Show' Fee
'No Show' Fee
Be careful what party invitations you accept. A 5 year old boy in the UK received an invoice for missing a schoolmate's birthday party. ABC News reports Alex Nash came home from preschool with a brown envelope containing an invoice for the British equivalent of $24.00 because he was a no show at a birthday party.
Adam Lamert Rocks New Years
Adam Lamert Rocks New Years
Adam Lamert Rocks New Years
When Adam Lambert was named American Idol runner up in 2009, a lot of people thought he should have won. He certainly has a powerful, "trademark" voice. The British press was gushing praise over his New Years eve performances with the legendary rock band Queen.
Need A Hug?
Need A Hug?
Need A Hug?
We all need a hug now and then. Some experts say a daily hug is beneficial to not only our psychological health, but our physical health as well. If there's no "special someone" in your life, don't despair...
NORAD Tracks Santa
NORAD Tracks Santa
NORAD Tracks Santa
I don't know what Santa feeds his reindeer. That sleigh moves faster than an SR-71 Blackbird. If you don't know about the Blackbird, it's one of the fastest aircraft ever built. It's ability to fly at supersonic speeds, on the edge of Earth's atmosphere made it a valuable military asset. It was difficult to track, and pursue. Santa, however, is willing to be tracked. He's cooperating the folks at Norad.
Washington Says You Can Travel To Cuba For Cigars, Would JFK Approve?
Washington Says You Can Travel To Cuba For Cigars, Would JFK Approve?
Washington Says You Can Travel To Cuba For Cigars, Would JFK Approve?
Washington recently announced changes to it's policy about dealing with and traveling to Cuba. These are the biggest changes in 50 years. But as with most things that come out of the White House, the new policies are a bit confusing.
Pope To Visit US
Pope To Visit US
Pope To Visit US
Pope Francis confirmed Monday that he plans to visit the United States in 2015. The pontiff was speaking at a Vatican conference on family values, when he announced plans to attend the World Meeting of Families next September.
Comet 67P Sings a Mysterious Song caught by Rosetta Spacecraft [VIDEO]
Comet 67P Sings a Mysterious Song caught by Rosetta Spacecraft [VIDEO]
Comet 67P Sings a Mysterious Song caught by Rosetta Spacecraft [VIDEO]
The European Space Agency landed the unmanned spacecraft Rosetta on the surface of Comet 67P yesterday. This was the first time something like this has ever taken place. But what's even more breathtaking is the weird recording that's been made of the comet.
Russian Bombers Over The Gulf
Russian Bombers Over The Gulf
Russian Bombers Over The Gulf
Russia says its long range bombers will conduct regular patrol flights over the western Atlantic, the Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico. Tensions between Russia and the west have escalated over the Ukraine, and they're flexing their muscles.
 'Tasteless' Story?
'Tasteless' Story?
'Tasteless' Story?
I was scrolling through Facebook while having my Saturday morning coffee when I spotted a link to a story from the celebrity gossip site, TMZ. The headline read, "Casey Kasem Rotting In Norway." The story reported the body of the radio legend is decomposing in a Norwegian mortuary while his children wage a legal battle to have his remains returned to the US.

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