Youngsville Announces Immediate Closure of Chemin Metairie Parkway
The City of Youngsville has announced the closure of a portion of Chemin Metairie Parkway to facilitate the reconstruction of the roadway.
The section of road affected will be open only to local traffic.
The section of Chemin Metairie Parkway to be affected is located between Fortune Road and East Milton Avenue (Highway 92, see map below). No through traffic will be allowed between Briar Green Drive south to Anslem Drive.
Suggested alternate routes include Fortune Road to Verot School Road or Bonin Road to East Milton Avenue, or East Milton Avenue to Fortune Road to Bonin Road.
In order to facilitate the reconstruction of Chemin Metairie Road from north of Anslem Drive to the Youngsville City limits, Chemin Metairie Road will be open to local traffic only until August 10th. Please note that "Local Traffic Only" refers to those needing access to roads, residences, and businesses local to the area along Chemin Metairie Road between Anslem Drive and Briar Green Drive. This area should not be used for thru traffic access to other roadways north or south of the construction site. Please use alternate routes of Verot School Road or Bonin Road to detour around the construction area. Also, we ask that motorists be courteous to the Construction Workers when having to travel through the Construction Zone. - City of Youngsville
No construction timeline was given in the press release.
As always, please be mindful of workers while in construction zones, and travel through this construction zone only if you have business in the area. Otherwise, please use the suggested alternate routes.