What Were You Doing On This Day 18 Years Ago?
September 11, 2001. 9/11/01. Just mentioning the date will stir memories for several, and difficult memories for most.
Remembering what we were doing on historic days is usually much easier than remembering what we were doing on random days, and I'm certain that there is loads of scientific and psychological research/reasoning to back that up.
It was 18 years ago today that we sat there, watching, listening, our hearts in our stomachs, our nerves a wreck, most nearly paralyzed by fear.
In the months and years that followed, we marked the anniversary with moments of silence, patriotic songs, prayers for not only those lost in the attacks but for those lost because of the response: police, firefighters, paramedics, civilians - all who developed issues due to the attacks. Some of those issues are physical, some mental, but they are all real, and they are still taking a toll.
We reached out to ask you, our listeners, what you were doing when you heard the news. Here are some of your responses:
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