Washer Board Tourney This Saturday, May 11
There is a washer board tournament scheduled for Saturday, May 11 to raise money to send local Family, Career & Community Leaders of America students to the national conference.
The conference at which the FCCLA students will compete in California takes place June 29-July 5, so time is short to raise the funds needed!
The Washer Board Tournament will feature a burger sale, raffle pulls, a live auction, sweet sale, beverages, and free fun jumps and face painting for the kids. A DJ will entertain until the band, TJ Gautreaux and Louisiana Soul, take the stage to play from 3-5
The "Cali for the Kids Parent Committee" was formed to help send 9 Midland High FCCLA students, who have won First place at the state conference, to Anaheim, California where they will compete at the national conference. This opportunity is even more amazing because Midland High has never had this many kids move on to nationals at once. Any support from the community is greatly appreciated.
The event will be held on May 11 at 11 am at Morse Grocery, Highway 91 in Morse.