UPDATE: Power Outage by the Numbers for Acadiana
Hurricane Delta took a toll on Acadiana's power grid as the storm made landfall at dusk Friday evening. More than 250,000 customers on SLEMCO, Entergy, Cleco and LUS combined, lost power due to the Category 3 hurricane. Utility workers from around the country are in Acadiana tonight working continuously to get families electricity. Power has been restored for many, but there's still a ways to go.
LUS had 60,000 customers lose power during Delta. Tonight LUS is reporting less than 13-thousands customers are without power.
Nearly 110,000 SLEMCO customers suffered power outages this weekend. The SLEMCO Service Outage Map details 12,930 customers remain without power in Lafayette Parish alone as of 8:30 p.m. Sunday.
The Louisiana Power Outage Map is showing Entergy still having 85,500 of its customers in the dark tonight.
Cleco's Power Outage Map shows 27,000 customers without electricity in Lafayette Parish, over 50,000 in Iberia Parish and approximately 46,000 in the Crowley area.
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