A social media post was sent to us that shows a truck in a building and we now know that this happened in Loureauville, Louisiana.

According to Tory Schaubert, this wreck happened across the street from the Town Hall on Wednesday,  July 3, 2024, and he says that the occupants in the truck allegedly fled the scene of the accident by foot.

We reached out to the Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office and they confirmed that they responded to an accident at this location but could not provide any more details than that at this time. We were told the public information officer for the agency was out of the office for the next few days.

IPSO Facebook
IPSO Facebook

Schaubert, who owns L&S Trees and More, tells us that someone in a white car was injured in this incident and that police were looking for the driver of this truck.

We plan to reach out again to the New Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office next week once their PIO is back in the office, and we hope to get an update on this wreck, that left the building severely damaged.

Take a look at the scene fromLoureavulle.

A few days after, and here's a look from the outside looking in, where the truck went into the establishment. This video was submitted to us by Tory Schaubert.


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