Today is World Heart Day
Several people I know have recently has heart problems- it's not always something that happens to old people. Defects and circumstances can sometimes be the culprit behind many health problems, but the fact is, much heart disease is largely preventable. The number one cause of death in the entire world is heart disease, so we should all be thinking about it every day, but we don't. So today's the day designated to increase awareness about cardiovascular disease and how to prevent it. The World Heart Federation says CVD, including heart attack and stroke, is responsible for 17.5 million premature deaths! But it's so simple to prevent many of these problems and unnecessary deaths.
From the WHF:
...much CVD can be prevented by making just a few simple daily changes, like eating and drinking more healthily, getting more exercise and stopping smoking. So this World Heart Day, let’s make sure we all take action to keep our hearts charged and make a lasting difference to our health.
Doctors also recommend checking your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and keeping them under control.
So let's all take a moment today and think about how we can help ourselves and those we love take better care of our hearts!