Tips From A Cold Weather Veteran
I've lived in Acadiana virtually all my adult life, but I'm not a native. I grew up in Lewis County, NY. It's the snowiest place east of the Rockies. It also gets REAL cold! Temperature in Acadiana are expected to fall well below the freezing mark this weekend. That can cause major headaches if you're not prepared. A few things are obvious. Don't leave your pets & plants outdoors. Wrap, or drain any exposed water pipes. Cold weather can do costly damage to your car. Make sure your anti freeze is good to go. You can use a hydrometer. Auto parts stores have them. If you have to go to work & there's ice on your windshield, DON'T pour hot water on it. You'll be in the market for a new windshield. The best thing to do is scrape it off. You can get a scraper at an auto parts store. I'm a veteran of winter driving. Snow never bothered me. Ice is a whole different story. You can't tell a road is iced by looking at it. Do everything much more slowly than normal. Leave twice as much room as normal to stop. If you don't absolutely have to go anywhere, don't.