We all know how difficult and how challenging the year 2020 has been, but let's take a minute to look at some of the positive things to come from the year 2020.

Sadly, we have gone through a global pandemic and domestically we have had to overcome some rather large obstacles.

Without getting into much detail here, we've had to face natural disasters head-on, we've witnessed civil unrest in many cities around the country and the U.S. economy hasn't been the most stable since the pandemic hit.

Still, as we begin to look back on the year 2020, there were some "bright spots" to come from this challenging year.

I want to mention some of the highlights of 2020 here and hope that we can build off of some of these as we approach the year 2021.

By no means am I trying to sugarcoat any difficulties you may have gone through this year, but here are just a few of the positive things to come from 2020.

Positive Things To Come Out of 2020




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