You Can Send Your Leftover Halloween Candy to Louisiana Troops OvYou Can Send Your Leftover Halloween Candy to Louisiana Troops OvDo you have a bowl or two of leftover Halloween candy? Why not send a Hero Box to troops stationed overseas and sweeten up their day?Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
How Many Fun Size Candy Bars Equal a Standard Candy Bar?How Many Fun Size Candy Bars Equal a Standard Candy Bar?Uncover the truth of indulging in 'Fun Size' Halloween candies. Bernadette LeeBernadette Lee
Louisiana - Here's The Scary Truth About Tainted Halloween CandyLouisiana - Here's The Scary Truth About Tainted Halloween CandyEvery year, along with costumes and pumpkins, whispers and warnings about dangerous Halloween candies resurface. Here are the facts. DJ DigitalDJ Digital
Will The Government Ban Louisiana's Favorite Halloween Candy?Will The Government Ban Louisiana's Favorite Halloween Candy?With California passing a law banning a synthetic food coloring that may cause cancer, the FDA is feeling the heat to make it a federal law.David SchultzDavid Schultz
Halloween Candy on Shelves Before Labor Day: A Spooky Trend Halloween Candy on Shelves Before Labor Day: A Spooky Trend Labor Day is still four weeks away, but that hasn't stopped grocery stores from putting out Halloween Candy.David SchultzDavid Schultz
Ogden, Utah Halloween 'Beetlejuice Girl' Has Been FoundOgden, Utah Halloween 'Beetlejuice Girl' Has Been FoundOnly known as "Beetlejuice Girl", what she did on Halloween night sent the people of Utah on a statewide hunt. CJCJ
Do You Have the Best Halloween Candy On Your Street?Do You Have the Best Halloween Candy On Your Street?If you want to be the cool house on the block this Halloween, you better make sure you are stocked with the best candy.TerrynTerryn
How Long Will All Your Halloween Candy Stay Good?How Long Will All Your Halloween Candy Stay Good?If you or your kids end up with a massive stash of candy after this weekend, here's how long you can expect it to stay good for.Mikey OMikey O
Most Popular Halloween Candy in the U.S. RevealedMost Popular Halloween Candy in the U.S. RevealedDid your fave treat make the top 10?Alicia SelinAlicia Selin
How Many 'Fun Size' Candy Bars Equal a Full Size Bar?How Many 'Fun Size' Candy Bars Equal a Full Size Bar?This may make you lay off the Halloween candy for good.EllenEllen
What Would Happen if You Ate 262 Fun-Sized Candy Bars?What Would Happen if You Ate 262 Fun-Sized Candy Bars?Can too much sugar at one time kill you?CJCJ
Are These The Worst Halloween Candies?Are These The Worst Halloween Candies?Now is the time for you to make that critical decision - what kind of candy are you giving out for Halloween?Stephanie CristStephanie Crist
Man Arrested After Razor Blades Reportedly Found in Kid’s Halloween Baskets [Video]Man Arrested After Razor Blades Reportedly Found in Kid’s Halloween Baskets [Video]Last night, police received multiple calls as parents reportedly began finding loose razor blades in their kid's candy baskets.Michael Dot ScottMichael Dot Scott
Local Dentist Office ‘Buying Back’ Halloween Candy for the TroopsLocal Dentist Office ‘Buying Back’ Halloween Candy for the TroopsBarras Family Dentistry is once again holding 'Operation Gratitude' to send treats to our troops overseas.Stephanie CristStephanie Crist
Read This Before You Buy Halloween CandyRead This Before You Buy Halloween CandyBefore you go out and buy Halloween candy, consider which candies contain boiled beetles, and beaver butt juice.Krystal MontezKrystal Montez