You don't have to be able to see into the future to know that this weekend your neighborhood will likely be filled with the sound of running lawnmowers as homeowners seek to regain control of their yards after all of the recent rainfall. While your lawn and garden may be lapping up the moisture for a lot of us, a return to sunny skies and Saharan dust fueled sunsets are what we are hoping for.

It does look as if we'll have to wait at least one more day for that highly publicized dust plume to dry out the air over Acadiana and bring down the rain probabilities. Forecasters say there's a 60% chance of more rain for the early hours of this morning, with better probabilities of rain for later in the day.

It doesn't look as though the showers and storms we'll experience today will bring the heavy rains and high winds that some locations experienced yesterday. I know areas around Baton Rouge were particularly affected in storms early yesterday morning and again yesterday afternoon.

The outlook for the weekend still holds a decent threat of showers and thunderstorms, but that probability is more in line with what we would call a "typical weather pattern" for South Louisiana. As of now, it does appear as if that pattern will remain in place through the weekend and into the early part of the next week.


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