Fake news continues to spread faster than the coronavirus itself.

Facebook and other sites like YouTube have been going out of their way to dispel fake news about COVID - 19. It may seem like overkill, but ridiculous things continue to be accepted as fact after popping up on social media. A big example of this has been the idea that drinking alcohol will kill COVID - 19 or other viruses. The World Health Organization was prompted by the popularity of this idea on social media to issue a six-page fact sheet about alcohol and its effects on the human body and viruses. Here are the myths and facts according to that sheet.

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    Myth: Drinking alcohol kills COVID - 19

    Alcohol of at least 60% works as a skin disinfectant, but drinking alcohol does not kill COVID - 19.

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    Drinking Strong Alcohol Kills Viruses In Inhaled Air

    Strong alcohol of any kind does not protect the mouth, throat, or sinuses by killing COVID - 19 or any virus.

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    Mark Dadswell/Getty Images

    Alcohol is good for the body's immune system

    Alcohol does not stimulate the body's immune system; in fact, it actually lowers immunity and can make a person more prone to contracting illnesses. Also, hydration is crucial to health and immunity and alcohol causes dehydration.

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