Meet the Walgreens Employee Who Defines ‘Customer Service’
Her name is Donna, she was born in Oklahoma and although she won't tell you her age, she's been in Louisiana since she was 5-years-old. She elevates customer service to an all-time high every time she shows up for work at Walgreens at the corner of Johnston and Duhon Road in Lafayette. Donna is shy, humble and giving. Customers adore her.
She's a cashier, she sweeps, she stocks and if you don't know where something is in the store, she will escort you right to it with a smile and polite conversation along the way.
It is very unusual to stand in line, waiting to check out, and not hear someone comment on how nice she is.
You are a breath of fresh air. -Walgreens customer
She has spunk, she always wears a smile and she remains polite to some people who aren't so nice at times.
I was wearing a St. Jude shirt when I went into Walgreens one evening. When I got to the counter Ms. Donna said she loved my shirt. And without missing a beat, she said she hoped I wasn't wearing it because cancer had touched me or someone in my family. -Walgreens customer
When Donna says, "Welcome to Walgreens" as folks walk in, she doesn't say it just because the employee manual says to, she means it! If she's doing something with her back turned to the door, she will stop what she's doing, turn around, look at you, smile and welcome you to the place of business that employs her. She says "welcome" with pride and appreciation that you came in to spend money with her employer. Heck, if you wouldn't know better, you would think she owns Walgreens.
Donna is the definition of friendly. She speaks to everyone standing at her checkout as though they are the most important person in the world.
There's no way to go into Walgreens at 6130 Johnston Street in Lafayette and not be touched in a positive way by Donna. Her sweetness is contagious. (When customers in line found out there was going to be a story written about her, they practically applauded.)
Donna is one of a kind. The last of her kind. The end of a generation of people that knew hardship, didn't have cell phones or computers, learned how to appreciate the good this world has to offer and who still know what it's like to put in a day's work. And never complain, but instead, are grateful for being employed.
Hats off to you Donna. You are a symbol and a beacon of kindness in a world that seems to have forgotten what that is.
(Thank you to Walgreens for allowing permission for photos only and to employee Donna, first name only, for privacy. A special thanks to local and district Walgreens managers for allowing this story to go public.)
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