A Louisiana woman tells the story of how her husband was "caught in the act" while out shopping.


Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash
Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash


Caught in the Act

This Louisiana woman, Mykaa Wilkins, explains that her husband had a special request for dinner, so she ran to the grocery store to pick up what was needed in the recipe for this specific dish. When she was in line to check out, she noticed a man couple of people ahead of her that was wearing a uniform similar to what her husband wears, which she admits is pretty typical for the area in which she lives.

What struck her as questionable, though, was the man's behavior. He kept trying to hide his face, going as far as stooping behind the register.

Now, this man had her attention. They finally locked eyes, and it was her husband! CAUGHT IN THE ACT!

But what act?

Letting her fully tell the story makes it all the sweeter.
[Note: You may have to click on the Facebook post in order to see the entire message]


With this simple story, Mykaa reminds us to slow down and appreciate what we have. Focus on the little things, because those are the things that make us feel good and matter most.

What are the little things that you do for your significant other? Do you pick up flowers for them? Maybe you cook once a week for a little date night. It could be something as simple as grabbing something small that reminds you of them, a rock perhaps?

10 Great Love Songs By Louisiana Musicians

Louisiana is known around the world for the unique brands of music it's people have created. The Zydeco, Cajun, and swamp pop sounds are indeed one-of-a-kind, but the songwriters in those genres share a common trait with songwriters from the other forms of American music: They use their songs to express their love. So today, we present this compilation of love songs recorded by Louisiana musicians. Whether its Valentine's Day, an anniversary, or any other day, these songs will certainly help you say, "I love you, cher!"

Perfect Songs to Say "I Love You"

Whether it's Valentine's Day or any other day, these songs will help you tell your loved one how much you care about them.

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