LSU to Study Why Exercise Impacts People Differently
We, humans, are an enigma wrapped in mystery. It seems the more we find out about ourselves the more questions that new information brings. Such is the life of a medical researcher like the ones at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University. They've currently announced that in 2021 they will begin recruiting for a new study on the impacts of exercise.
The study hopes to answer the age-old question that so many of us have been wondering. "How come when I exercise I don't see results but my friend, who does the exact same workout as me has lost tons of weight and looks great"? Yes, Pennington Biomedical hopes to unravel the mystery of why some people get great benefits from exercising while others don't see nearly those kinds of positive results.
The study, funded by a $2.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Aging will be conducted at five sites across the nation. Baton Rouge has been chosen as one of those sites.
Researchers hope to be able to pinpoint specific areas of exercise that can be tweaked so an individual could receive maximum benefits from the time invested. Those who participate in the study might be asked to undergo body measurements, complete a workout program, undergo an MRI, and even have blood drawn.
If you'd like to find out more about this study or perhaps view other studies that you could be a part of you can find out that information at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center's website.
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