Louisiana Announces Plan to get Trailers to Hurricane Victims
It's been over a month since the catastrophic winds and waves associated with Hurricane Ida wreaked havoc throughout southeastern Louisiana. Many residents of that area have already headed back to begin rebuilding. Still, there are countless thousands with no place to stay while the rebuilding process is underway.
That could be changing very soon.
The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is teaming up with FEMA to expedite the delivery of travel trailers to some of the hardest-hit areas of the state. The trailers, which first became a widespread part of hurricane recovery following Hurricane Katrina, could be set up for some residents as early as this weekend.
Residents who would like to apply for a travel trailer may do so in one of two ways. You may call this number, 1- 844-268-0310. Or, you may visit this website, IdashelteringLA.com
Before you talk to anyone about securing an emergency use trailer, we strongly suggest you read the rules and precautions at the Ida Sheltering LA website. There is a lot of helpful information on that site which will make the application smoother. There are also some important safeguards that you'll want to know regarding those who might be trying to scam storm victims in their hour of need.
Should you need more assistance or have other recovery questions the best site to get those answered is the "Get A Game Plan" website. That site can direct you to immediate shelter facilities or offer advice and links to other service providers which might help in your recovery from the storm.
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