Lafayette Seamstress Removing Hoodies to Help Families
(KLFY) As temperatures plunge in Acadiana one Lafayette seamstress is helping Acadiana families save money and keep their children warm by removing the hoodies from old children's jackets, coats and sweatshirts. The Lafayette Parish School System (LPSS) student handbook prohibits hooded jackets, coats and sweatshirts. Romalee Henry from Cookie's Sewing Creations on Moss Street wants to help families salvage warm winter wear with hoodies so parents don't have to spend money on new winter apparel.
Henry says she knows the financial struggles of being a parent, especially being a single parent.
A family member told me that her elementary child got written up because she wore her hoodie to school. And I was like oh no we need to get this, I need to help somebody to remove the hoodies so we can get our kids with their jackets in school. -Romalee Henry from Cookie's Sewing Creations
Families have perfectly good children's coats and warm winter clothing that their kids can't wear to school because hoodies are prohibited in school. Henry said, "the babies need their coats on". Clothing is expensive and many families can't afford new winter clothing for their kids.
Henry told KLFY she understands the decision to ban hoodies but when temperatures drop in Acadiana, frigid weather conditions should be an exception.
Romalee Henry will remove a hoodie from an article of clothing for a fee of $10, however, she will work with individuals who can't afford the $10 fee.
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