Julie Lea, the captain of The Krewe of Nyx, has apologized for a social media post that has offended many people. Lea posted a photo of a black child caressing the face of a white child with the slogan “#ALLLIVESMATTER Our Souls Are the Same Color.” She posted this on her personal Instagram page as well as on the Krewe of Nyx social media page. With the protests going on across the U.S. because of the death of George Floyd, a black man that died at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, she thought this would be a fitting post.

Mystic Krewe of Nyx Facebook
Mystic Krewe of Nyx Facebook

The comments on her posts were very critical with some saying they would boycott the parade. According to NOLA.com, Kimya Holmes, a float lieutenant for the Nyx Parade for five years, said Lea’s posts have prompted her to quit the Krewe.  Holmes said that 'All Lives Matter' discounts what the 'Black Lives Matter' movement means.

Lea did a video apology and a written apology. In her written apology, Lea said she intended to be a voice of unity, but fell short. In a press release on Monday, Lea apologized and said she takes responsibility for her own lack of knowledge.

The Krewe of Nyx is built on a sisterhood that includes members from all walks of life, including many in the African American community. I now realize, no matter how it is used, ‘All Lives Matter’ is divisive and tone-deaf.   - Julie Lea

The all-female Mystic Krewe of Nyx was co-founded by Julie Lea and has grown to be the biggest parading group. It began eight years ago and now has approximately 3,500 riders.

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