If 2020 can get any worse, it seems, it will. We are in the midst of the worst pandemic in my lifetime, the most protesting/rioting in my lifetime, the highest frequency of wildfires in my lifetime, and now the first double-hurricane of my lifetime.

In the Bible, when Luke writes about the end of the World, he says "There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven." (21:11)  


So we haven't had an overabundance of earthquakes, but there have been a few. There's famine all over the world, even in our country. And our current pestilence is COVID-19.  I am terrified of burning to death, so the "terrors and great signs from heaven" might have manifested themselves in those wildfires.


For those who believe in the Good Book, do you think that these signs are strong enough to signal the end of the world? Or are they just a sign of the times?

What are your thoughts?

Here are mine: the world is ever-changing. We can't control some things in our world, be we can (and should) control ourselves. None of us know when the end will come, so isn't it a good idea to be nice to each other?

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