Hunting/Fishing Licenses Now Available on LA Wallet
Technology continues to make things more convenient.
I hate paperwork, especially when it comes to government-type of paperwork: driver's license, proof of insurance, registration, hunting license, fishing license, Social Security card and, most recently, proof of vaccination cards.
Having to keep track of these items, for me, is a pain, especially since I am not good at keeping track of things (which is probably why I hate paperwork!).
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries just announced a convenience that got me really excited: Louisiana hunting and fishing licenses are now available on LA Wallet!
The LA Wallet is an app for your phone that gives you instant access to your Louisiana State Driver's License, COVID-19 Vaccination Record, and, now, your Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries-issued licenses!
When you open the LA Wallet on your mobile device, you will have the option to link to your documents: the Smart Health card, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and the Louisiana Department of Motor Vehicles.
In addition to your hunting and fishing licenses, the LA Wallet will also display any active federal duck stamps.
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has posted a step-by-step, detailed set of instructions on how to link your LDWF account to your LA Wallet:
I look at the addition of the hunting and fishing licenses to the LA Wallet as a step in the right direction. When the game wardens see me out fishing, they know that they'll probably have to call in my ID to have dispatch check for my license on the computer. Yes, I always carry it with me, but I usually forget where I put it. That problem, for me (and the Wildlife and Fisheries agents), is over. Hooray!
Now we need to get more of our documents included on LA Wallet (I'm looking at you, Office of Motor Vehicles!).
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