How About A Pringles Thanksgiving Dinner?!
I swear, Pringles must be the ultimate junk food! There's something addictive about those silly potato crisps in a can. They come in a wide variety of flavors, from original to sour cream & onion, barbecue, tortilla, and the list goes on. Have you ever wished you could have a Pringles Thanksgiving dinner? Your wish has come true! The Chicago Tribune reports, Kellogg has come up with a package containing Pringles flavored like turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, macaroni & cheese, and pumpkin pie! The "dinner" comes in a package resembling old style "tv dinners." Are you old enough to remember those? Bon appetit! My Thanksgiving plans include a turducken (a real one), and a wide assortment, of sides & desserts.
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