Although the global pandemic will make this summer a little different from most, one thing it certainly can’t mess with is our Margaritas and favorite Jimmy Buffett tunes. Sitting on the back patio relaxing and sipping on a cocktail while we listen to tunes that make us feel like we are on vacation might be all we need to ease the anxiety during these difficult times. That’s why it’s perfect timing to have Jimmy Buffett's new album, “Life on the Flip Side”, available at

BuffettNews - Jimmy Buffett Facebook
BuffettNews - Jimmy Buffett Facebook

The album was recorded earlier this year in Key West, Florida with hopes to do a U.S. tour this spring and summer. Obviously, the dates were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to USA Today, Buffett’s quarantine consisted of playing guitar, practicing French and spending time out on the water with his family in Southern California. That sounds like a typical way for Buffett to spend his time. Just as Parrotheads, his fans, shared pictures of themselves on social media during the quarantine of themselves “tailgating” and pretending to be at the beach when really they were in their living rooms and backyards.

“Life on the Flip Side” is his first album since 2013. The music on the album is described as a return to the “Key West phase” of Buffett’s early albums from the ’70s. The album consists of 14 songs that make you just want to RELAX and have fun.


“Down at the Lah De Dah”
“Who Gets to Live Like This”
“The Devil I Know”
“The Slow Lane”
“Cussin’ Island”
“Oceans of Time”
“Hey, That’s My Wave”
“The World Is What You Make It”
“Half Drunk”
“Mailbox Money”
“Slack Tide”
“Live, Like It’s Your Last Day”
“15 Cuban Minutes”
“Book on the Shelf”

Jimmy Buffett told USA Today that back in 2018 he revealed that he no longer drinks margaritas because they’ve gotten too sweet. Instead, he prefers to drink straight tequila on the rocks, and typically only on the weekends.

All I know is I need this new album, a margarita, and some vitamin D. Is it 5 o’clock?

Fun in the Sun South Louisiana Style

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